Your Peace is Never at the End of a Fight
Your peace, wellbeing, and snort-laughing is never at the end of a fight.
If you approach life from a ‘when i win-the-war-with _______’ paradigm, there’s always going to be another war...
Against the number on the scale... against the number in the bank account... against the current politicians or the current policies... fighting against the current relationship, or fighting for the next one...
How’s that working for YOU?
Has it worked yet?
Are you waiting for your life to begin at the end of a fight? When you win the next war...?
Has mining the data and the battles in your head, led to what you’re looking for:
A life well lived.
Put down the weapon - peace and snort-laughing... it’s always right there for the taking.
Right now. No waiting.
Cut out the middle man.
When any one of us ends the battle with ourselves... when we start to mind our own business, and clean-up what’s right in front of us (instead of trying to clean-up the world,
And other people’s’ messes - when our own room/house/yard and life is a mess...) the clean-up of the world begins.
And it’s really not that hard to start with ourselves.
And begin with our own happiness.
Start with you - it’s much more powerful than you think.